Folding Door歐陸式趟摺門


歐陸式懸掛趟摺門 其精巧的設計能充分發揮趟摺門之實用和美觀的功能, 更能配合不同的空間需求而做出合適的摺合與伸展, 靈活性強的優點為眾多設計師採用。



Paco Buildings Material

Paco Buildings Material is an all-in-one furniture company, including commercial and residential household goods dealer, set design, production is marketing. Our style brand positioning is fashionable, modern, personalised and advocating quality superiority. We provide customers with our one-stop service for the whole house, focusing on its furniture and various types of hardware with the most fashionable and tactile products for customers to choose and purchase.

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